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Lubbock Essential Info


Lubbock is the largest city in the Great Plains region of Texas and serves as the area's agricultural and economic hub. Lubbock, commonly known as the Hub City, is in the center of the South Plains, an expansive cotton-growing region. Lubbock has experienced steady growth for several decades and today occupies approximately 125 mi² (324 km²). The city is home to approximately 230,000 residents and students. Lubbock is the seat of Lubbock County, the site of state and national parks, two major medical systems, three universities, and is unique among other growing Texas cities in that its sustained economic development and growth are not supported by heavy industry.

Description is available from Wikitravel under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. A list of contributors is available at the original article.


Best Time To Go


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Current Weather

90 °F

Mostly Clear

Fun Facts

  1. Buddy Holly, the rock-and-roll legend, was born in Lubbock.
  2. Lubbock was named after a former Texas Ranger and Confederate officer, Thomas S. Lubbock.
  3. Lubbock residents call torrential downpours of rain “toad chokers.”
  4. Lubbock is where you will find an actual established “town” of prairie dogs.
  5. Lubbock’s First United Methodist Church is home to one of the four largest rose windows in the world.

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