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Murfreesboro Essential Info


Murfreesboro is a city in Tennessee.

Description is available from Wikitravel under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. A list of contributors is available at the original article.


Best Time To Go


Current Time

Current Weather

77 °F


Fun Facts

  1. Murfreesboro is known for the Crater of Diamonds State Park located south of the city.
  2. The 1,000-year-old Ka-Do-Ha Indian Village and museum in Murfreesboro, has a field that can be excavated for authentic arrowheads
  3. The Crater of Diamonds State Park is the only diamond mine open to the public in the world.
  4. Murfreesboro has yielded over 70,000 diamonds including the Kahn Canary Diamond and the Uncle Sam Diamond.

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