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Texarkana Essential Info


Texarkana is a city in the Piney Woods region of Texas and the Timberlands region of Arkansas.

Description is available from Wikitravel under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. A list of contributors is available at the original article.


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76 °F

Mostly Clear

Fun Facts

  1. Texarkana is located in the Ark-La-Tex region, and together with neighboring Texarkana, Arkansas, forms the combined city of Texarkana.
  2. A popular story credits Colonel Gus Knobel, who surveyed the Iron Mountain Railroad right-of-way from Little Rock to this section to the state line. He allegedly painted "TEX-ARK-ANA" on a plank and nailed it to a tree, saying, "This is the name of a town which is to be built here."
  3. Texarkana is the headquarters of the theologically conservative American Baptist Association, whose Missionary Baptist churches are most numerous in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Mississippi.
  4. Ross Perot,an American businessman best known for being an independent presidential candidate in 1992 and the Reform party presidential candidate in 1996, was born in Texarkana.

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